For certain events, the organizer requires attendee information to prevent fraud. Therefore, tickets will be personalized, and attendees may need to present an identity document to verify their details.


How to identify a nominative event?

If you've purchased tickets for a nominative event, you likely encountered a message similar to this during the checkout process.

How to provide them?

After completing your order, you'll need to:

  1. Login into your StubHub International account 
  2. Go to "Orders" and find the transaction
  3. Click on "Add attendee info" and complete the required fields
  4. Tap on "Save" to finish 

Your seller will receive this information and manage the transaction within the specified timeframe.

Unable to add details?

Experiencing issues despite adding the required data? Are you encountering errors while trying to enter attendee information? Our engineering team is actively working to resolve this issue promptly. If you're facing this problem, please contact us for assistance.

Need to update nominative information?

Unfortunately it's not possible to update this information from your profile directly. If any changes are needed, please reach out to us for support. 

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